Sunday, November 14, 2010

Can a sandwich last a month ?

Well, obviously NOT. Plain and simple. Atleast if you are the one eating it. 

But .. and there's always a but - the power of international currency conversion can actually make that happen!  So, instead of buying the famous American '5-dollar-footlong' that Michael Phelps loves, if you decide to use that money to feed someone else, it might just last a whole month. No, really. And I'm not even counting the 'chips and a drink' on the side. Here's the math .. at 10 rupees a meal, 5 dollars  or 250 rupees can get you a meal every day for 25 days and a healthy one at that ! Not exactly a month, but pretty close I'd say. 

So why am I asking you to give up on that 1 sandwich a month and who exactly is the person that will be fed ? Great questions and no, I'm not trying to get 30 people to do this so that I can get a free lunch everyday [.. although that isn't too bad an idea :)]

I'll tackle the second question here and hopefully that'll help you answer the first one for yourself. So there's this organization called Pudiyador (which means 'a new beginning') in India which has been empowering children through practical education, extra-curriculars, sports, healthcare and food. Or in other words, things we all got as kids and porbably took for granted :). Totally inspired by what these guys were doing, I decided to start working with their team in Michigan last year and have loved every single minute of the time I've spent. In fact, I'm so convinced about what we're doing that I've mustered up the courage to start a blog and risk loosing some of my friends who might fear constantly being harassed for donations :)

Ok, before you get bored to death or start cursing, lets talk business. For better or for worse, everything usually comes down to money! To keep doing what we have for around a decade and hopefully keep expanding, the all-mighty dollar is our best friend. And since we're not exactly swimming in greenbacks, we could use any and all contributions from awesome people like you. If you are ready to take the plunge but are not sure how much to contribute, go to our donations page to see what $20 provides a child for a whole month. I bet you'd be surprised. And remember, its better to donate $5 than not donating $100. 

As a bonus, here's what you get back -
  • Tax-deductions on your contributions. 
  • Bragging rights !
  • No personal emails requesting more donations :)   
For those like me who love anecdotes, here's the story on how it all began in 2001.

Donate Now!

Pudiyador's mission ..

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